Fathiyya Jannan Husniyah Haq
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Share Social MediaNovembe 11, 2024 – Sesayap District, North Kalimantan Piksi Ganesha Polytechnic students have a golden opportunity to contribute to advancing the tourism sector in North Kalimantan. In collaboration with the local Tourism Office, the students were involved in a tourism village development program, an initiative that aims to increase local tourism potential while […]
Share Social MediaDecember 14, 2023 PT. Violet Indonesia Persada, in addition to its business units in Hotels & Tourism in West Java and Central Java, is now rapidly expanding into the culinary business. Recently, it has scheduled the opening of a new venture, officially inaugurated by the owner, Dr. H. K. Prihartono AH, Drs., S.Sos., […]
Share Social Media2023 PIKSI promotes the cultural and natural heritage through the usage of Batik every Thursday. This implementation involves the staffs, lecturers, and students. #PoliteknikPiksiGanesha#PiksiJuara#KampusUngu#SDG11#SDG8#SDG10#SDG16#SDG4#DecentWorkandEconomicGrowth#QualityEducation#ReducedInequality#SustainableCitiesandCommunities#PeaceJusticeandStrongInstitutions#WorldClassPoliteknik
Share Social MediaSeptember 09, 2023 Selasa, 12 September 2023 Politeknik Piksi Ganesha dengan SEAMEO QITEP In Science (SEAQIS) menyelenggarakan kegiatan Webinar Nasional dengan Tema “Peluang dan Tantangan Teknologi Informasi dan Bisnis Digital di Era Global” , yang bertempat di Aula Gedung M Kampus A. Era Digital yang serba modern menjadi tantangan masa depan yang harus […]
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