Bandung City Government Collaborates with Politeknik Piksi Ganesha to Support Public Service Innovation

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August 25 – September 1, 2022 – Politeknik Piksi Ganesha

Public service innovation activities that have been developed by Politeknik Piksi Ganesha  are applications to assist Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) members in recording their citizens or SIPEDAS BERANI.

One of the hopes expressed by the Batununggal Sub-District Head, Mr. Tarya, is the development or digital transformation in public services, one of which is Dasawisma/ Homeless Data Collection by utilizing technology, the previously complicated and time-consuming process is now more efficient and transparent and easy to track.

Based on information from the Head of LPPM Piksi Ganesha, Candra Mecca, the Bandung City Government, especially Batununggal District, has collaborated with Piksi Ganesha Polytechnic in realizing one of the Bandung City goals, namely digital innovation in public services, namely the SIPEDAS BERANI application.

Through the SIPEDAS BERANI application and training and socialization, the community, especially members of the Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK) are invited to actively participate in the use of this application, so that they are not only beneficiaries, but also part of the innovation process. These activities not only increase community satisfaction, but also strengthen trust between the government and citizens, creating a more inclusive and responsive environment.

Bandung City Government reflects broader principles of collaboration with NGOs and community groups in the pursuit of sustainable development.

1. Digital Innovation for Public Service.  Piksi Ganesha Polytechnic has collaborated with the Bandung City Government, particularly in Batununggal Sub-District, to develop a digital platform—SIPEDAS BERANI—to improve public service efficiency. This initiative aligns with SDG 9, which focuses on building resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation. The application simplifies data collection for family welfare and enhances transparency and efficiency in public services. Through this collaboration, the university helps empower local communities to better manage and access vital services, improving both governance and civic engagement.

2. Community Empowerment. Piksi Ganesha’s collaboration also addresses SDG 11, which aims to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. By involving members of the Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK) program, the university promotes the use of technology to streamline processes, such as collecting data on homeless populations. This not only strengthens public service systems but also builds a more inclusive and responsive environment for citizens.

3. Capacity Building and Inclusivity.  The university’s approach ensures that community members—especially those from underserved or marginalized areas—are actively involved in the innovation process. Through training sessions and socialization, the initiative provides the tools and knowledge needed for local communities to participate meaningfully. This empowers individuals to play an active role in their community’s development, aligning with SDG 10, which focuses on reducing inequalities.

4. Strengthening Government-Citizen Trust. By improving public services and involving citizens in the process, the university contributes to SDG 16, which emphasizes the importance of strong institutions, transparency, and accountability. The collaboration fosters trust between the government and citizens, creating an environment of transparency and inclusivity in governance.

Through collaborations with the Bandung City Government and other community organizations, Politeknik Piksi Ganesha contributes significantly to several SDGs. This partnership demonstrates the university’s commitment to using innovation, capacity-building, and inclusive practices to address global challenges while making a tangible impact at the local level.

Author: Seliwati
Editor: Rini Suwartika



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Alfina Damayanti

Good Job Piksi Ganesha, Keep inspiring!

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Ulfah Zakiah Fahiroh (522303204)

Awesome ✨️

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Alfina Damayanti

Keren sekali!

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Abdul karim munadi


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