College Scholarships for Economically Disadvantaged Communities in Indonesia
September 11, 2023 — Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
In an effort to increase access to higher education for the underprivileged, Polytechnic Piksi Ganesha has launched special college scholarship programs for prospective students from low-income families. This program aims to provide opportunities to those who have academic potential, but are constrained by financial factors, through the KIP Kuliah/The Smart Indonesian Card scholarship program.
The college scholarship program aims to increase access to education for prospective students from low-income families, targeting 20% of new students from the lowest-income group. The KIP Kuliah recruitment process begins before the registration for college entrance selection.
Assistance provided from the KIP Lecture facility in the form of living expenses assistance, tuition assistance every semester managed by universities to waive education costs for beneficiaries. In addition to financial support, educational institutions also provide academic tutoring and skills training programs to help students complete their studies on time. These programs are designed to increase graduation rates and ensure that students from disadvantaged families get adequate education to compete in the workforce.
For further details please visit the official website.
Author : Rini Suwartika Kusumadiarti
Editor : Falaah Abdussalaam
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