Empowering Campus and Community Health: Prima Husada Clinic’s Mental Health Workshop and University Support for Staff Well-being

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December 11, 2023

Bandung, December 11, 2023 – Prima Husada Primary Clinic is setting a new standard in community health by expanding its services to include a mental health workshop that aims to reduce stigma and promote mental wellness. This initiative addresses a crucial need, offering information and support to encourage open conversations about mental health and remove barriers that often discourage people from seeking help.

Many universities are also recognizing the importance of mental health support for both students and staff. Providing mental health resources within university settings enables faculty and staff to access the care they need, contributing to a supportive and productive campus environment. Such resources often include counseling services, mental health workshops, and access to mental health professionals.

At Prima Husada, a comprehensive range of medical services is available, from general consultations and preventive care to immunizations, maternal and child health services, and management of chronic conditions. Staffed by trained healthcare professionals, the clinic emphasizes quality care in a welcoming, accessible environment.

With a strong focus on preventive health, Prima Husada regularly conducts educational programs on nutrition, hygiene, disease prevention, and mental health, promoting a holistic approach to well-being. The mental health workshop is a crucial addition, empowering residents to take charge of their mental and physical health in a stigma-free environment.

The clinic’s community-centered approach allows it to tailor services to the unique health concerns of local residents. By prioritizing accessibility, quality care, and comprehensive mental health support, Prima Husada Primary Clinic plays a vital role in enhancing the well-being of the community it serves.

Author : Sani Fitriyani
Editor : Candra Mecca Sufyana



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Nursalam Salampessy

Piksi Ganesha Be better, be bold, become a diamond👍

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Alfina D

Keren keren keren!

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Camelia Aprila Man (24306015)

Good Job Piksi Ganesha, Keep inspiring

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Al Malia Khafiza (522303203)

Sukses terus Politeknik Piksi Ganesha

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Abdul karim munadi

Kerja bagus Piksi Ganesha, Tetap menginspirasi

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