Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Workshop

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Oktober 17, 2024

This workshop aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept, implementation and important role of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) in higher education. SPMI is a system used to guarantee the quality of education, research, community service, and institutional management. This workshop will cover the theoretical and practical knowledge required for quality managers in higher education.

The workshop was held in two sessions, the first session was a presentation of material from two resource persons, namely Nandi Widarmansyah, S.T., M.ST and Supriyadi Sadikin, S.IP., M.Si, while in the second session a workshop was conducted which was guided by Dra. Widwi Handari Adji, M.M. This workshop was attended by the Chair and Secretary of the Study Program/Department, SPMI Management and departments college academics.

As stated by Nandi Widarmansyah, S.T., M.ST, “The work culture at our place shows a Quality Culture, so Quality Assurance is not just a document but needs to be implemented in the field, documents are easy to make but a quality culture is difficult to create.”

SPMI is integrated into Higher Education Management, starting from creating documents, implementing RTM and formulating RTL for its sustainability and this is a shared responsibility, so there is a need for collaboration between parts of Higher Education management to ensure that everything is implemented.

By attending this workshop, participants are expected to understand how to implement SPMI effectively, manage the quality of higher education well, and maintain the quality standards required for the sustainability of higher education institutions. In accordance with the scope of Quality Education – SDG 4- Quality Education and SDG 16- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Author : Rini Suwartika Kusumadiarti
Editor : Widwi handari Adji



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Tri Setianingsih

inspiratiff sekali , piksii okeeee👍

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Aditya Agnesia

The best program

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Alfian Pratama

ganesha piksi polytechnic is very good

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Alfina Damayanti

Good Job Piksi Ganesha, Keep inspiring!

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Ulfah Zakiah Fahiroh (522303204)


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Camelia Aprila Man (24306015)

Good Job Piksi Ganesha, Keep inspiring

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