Neneng Yuniarty
Politeknik Piksi Ganesha is doing an excellent job in promoting sustainable consumption and production through education, resource management, and eco-friendly initiatives. The commitment to SDG 12 is truly inspiring and contributes positively to a greener, more sustainable future!
Revalina 23307056
World Class Politeknik
Dwi handoko
Tresna Budi
good job piksi
Putri Elgalia
Piksi Kampuss unguu juaraa
Aditya Agnesia
Politeknik Piksi Ganesha is doing an excellent job in promoting sustainable consumption and production through education, resource management, and eco-friendly initiatives. The commitment to SDG 12 is truly inspiring and contributes positively to a greener, more sustainable future!
Risna Belani
Piksi mantap🙌🏻