“Sharing Wrapped Rice, Together Lightening the Burden (BERNABUNG)”

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June 12, 2023

Polytechnic Piksi Ganesha held a Stunting Awareness Program in Tanjung Agung Village, aimed at raising community awareness about the importance of early stunting prevention. Through this initiative, Polytechnic Piksi Ganesha seeks to contribute to improving the health quality of the local community, especially for pregnant women, parents, and families with young children, to reduce the risk of stunting, which can affect long-term child growth and development.

Objectives of the Stunting Awareness Program in Tanjung Palas Timur:

  • Health Education on Stunting: Providing the community with an understanding of what stunting is, its causes, its impact on child development, and ways to prevent it.
  • Balanced Nutrition and Diet Education: Educating the community on the importance of balanced nutrition for pregnant women and children and offering guidance on selecting affordable and nutritious food.
  • Strengthening Family Roles: Encouraging families to actively monitor children’s growth, including providing exclusive breastfeeding, immunizations, and proper caregiving.

Program Activities:

  • Presentations and Direct Education: A team from Polytechnic Piksi Ganesha, consisting of lecturers and health students, will provide information on stunting, healthy diets, and the importance of environmental cleanliness.
  • Free Nutrition Consultation: Residents will have the opportunity for free consultations about their children’s nutritional needs, receiving direct advice on dietary and health practices.
  • Distribution of Nutritional Packages: Nutritional packages and dietary information will also be provided to help parents supply their children with adequate nutrition.

Through this awareness program, it is hoped that the residents of Tanjung Agung Village will gain a deeper understanding of stunting prevention and improve caregiving practices and optimal nutrition for their children. Polytechnic Piksi Ganesha is committed to supporting stunting prevention efforts for a healthier and higher-quality generation.

Author: Seliwati
Editor: Ai Susi











comments user
Alfian Pratama

ganesha piksi polytechnic is very good

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Mutia Andriani

Good Job Piksi Ganesha!

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Camelia Aprila Man (24306015)

program yang sangat luar biasa, keren kampusku ✨

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hilmi andriyani

Piksi is always the best

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Sangat luar biasa, keren kampus Piksi Ganesha

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Nursalam Salampessy

Piksi Ganesha Be better, be bold, become a diamond👍

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menyala kampuskuu

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Ulfah Zakiah Fahiroh (522303204)

Good program!

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Alfina D

kampus ungu keren sekali!

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Camelia Aprila Man (24306015)

kampuss ungu kerennn

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