Student Leadership Basic Training 2023 Politeknik Piksi Ganesha

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October 7 – 9, 2023

Student Executive Board (BEM), Student Association (HIMA), and Student Activity Unit (UKM) at Politeknik Piksi Ganesha conduct annual recruitment of new administrators to refresh the management of BEM, HIMA, and UKM. This is aimed at continuous improvement in both management and activities. To ensure recruitment of individuals who are truly loyal, committed, and highly responsible, a Basic Student Leadership Training (LDKM) event is held. This program is intended to cultivate students with high levels of loyalty, dedication, and responsibility, with institutional support being essential for the event’s success.

Event Name and Theme: The event is titled “Basic Student Leadership Training” with the theme “Building Character-Based Leadership in the Society 5.0 Era.”

Event Details:

  • Day/Date: Saturday to Monday, October 7-9, 2023
  • Location: Kiara Payung Camp, Cikeyep Girang, Cilayung
    District of Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency, West Java

Objectives of the Event:

  1. To develop the leadership skills of the administrators of BEM, HIMA, and UKM at Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Bandung.
  2. To strengthen the bonds between BEM, HIMA, and UKM administrators.
  3. To enhance individual skills, ultimately fostering a strong team spirit within the organization.
  4. To build social awareness and cultivate a critical mindset among students, fulfilling the function of students as agents of social control.

Target Audience: This event is intended for all administrators of BEM, HIMA, and UKM for the 2023-2024 term.








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Tiris Sudrartono (Lecture)


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Cyntia Riva (lecturer)

Top mantap is the best

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Andini Kusdiantini_Lecture

Good activity

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Dr. Arman (lecturer)


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Dr. Siti Rosmayati (Lecture )

good job

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Tuti Tutfiul Khotiah

Program ini bertujuan untuk membina mahasiswa yang memiliki loyalitas, dedikasi, dan tanggung jawab yang tinggi, dengan dukungan lembaga yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menyukseskan kegiatan tersebut.

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Reska Salsa Saniar

sangat keren Politeknik Piksi Ganesha ✨

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Iqbal Amaluddin (522308027)

kerenn sekali

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Salma Nurrojaba

Program ini bertujuan untuk melatih mahasiswa

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Mutia Andriani

Good Job Piksi Ganesha!

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Alfian Pratama

ganesha piksi polytechnic is very good

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Alfina Damayanti

keren kampus ungu juara!

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