Workshop on Promotion of Academic Functional Position Strategies for Lecturers

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16th October 2024 –Polytechnic  Piksi Ganesha

This workshop aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the strategies and steps that must be taken by lecturers in an effort to achieve promotion to functional academic positions, as well as optimizing their potential in achieving this target.

Resource person: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Hapzi Ali, MM., CMA., MPM, MBA. who is a Professor at Bhayangkara University, Jakarta Raya, brought up the topic: “Strategy for Accelerating the Career of Lecturers to Head Professors and Professors

This workshop was attended by 45 lecturers who already have a functional career path, be it expert assistants or lecturers, there are also lecturers who do not yet have a career path who are very enthusiastic about gaining knowledge to advance their career level.

As stated by Prof. Hafzi “It’s never too late to learn, it’s never too late to reach a career level, the important thing is that we understand the strategy…Head Professor…Let’s do it…”

As a result of this workshop, lecturers gain an understanding of the Career Acceleration Strategy for Lecturers, both from expert assistants to lecturers and from lecturers to Head Professors and Professors.

Author : Rini Suwartika Kusumadiarti
Editor : Sri Wahyuningsih

# Peace,JusticeandStrongInstitution
# WorkshopJFA #PoliteknikPiksiGanesha


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Camelia Aprila Man (24306015)

Amazing !!!!!!!!!!

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Its amazingggg

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Tiara Apni Sukmayanti_522305048

very inspiring

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